SDC - Switch Design Consultancy
SDC stands for Switch Design Consultancy
Here you will find, what does SDC stand for in Marketing under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Switch Design Consultancy? Switch Design Consultancy can be abbreviated as SDC What does SDC stand for? SDC stands for Switch Design Consultancy. What does Switch Design Consultancy mean?The Marketing company falls under marketing and advertising category and is located in Birmingham, Birmingham.
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Alternative definitions of SDC
- System Development Charge
- Silver Dollar City
- Structural Damage Capacity
- Solutions Development Center
- Selected Device Clear
- Swingers Date Club
- Swingers Date Club
- Systems Development Charge
View 255 other definitions of SDC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SMCC South Mountain Community Church
- SSS Simon Says Stamp
- SPPA Saint Paul Port Authority
- SES Skyline Event Services
- SWP Spectrum Wealth Partners
- SG The Sam Group
- SHE Sustainable Health Enterprises
- SUP Sailors Union of the Pacific
- SMUSA Santa Margherita USA
- SEAPL Subsea Engineering Associates Pty Ltd
- SCI Swat Consulting Inc.
- SEPL Superb Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.
- SDAL Scape Design Associates Ltd
- SGW South Gippsland Water
- SUST Southwest University of Science and Technology
- SJFMHI SJF Material Handling Inc.
- SJS St. James School
- SPT Specialized Pipe Technologies
- SC Skynet de Colombia
- SES Source Engineering Services